*From:* Margherita Rosada <vulcinjapan(a)eu-japan.eu>
*Sent:* Friday, November 10, 2023 3:02 PM
*To:* International <international(a)vutbr.cz>
*Subject:* Vulcanus in Japan 2024 - Industrial traineeship for students
from the EU or from SMP associated countries
*EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
*_Vulcanus in Japan programme_- Session 2024 -2025
/Co-funded by the European Union
Technical University of Brno
International Relations - To whom it may concern
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are re-launching the "Vulcanus in Japan" programme through
universities in the EU or in SMP*-*associated countries.
The programme VULCANUS IN JAPAN offers *industrial placements in
companies in Japan *to citizens of an EU Member-State or an
SMP-associated country, who study engineering, high-tech or other
scientific fields, /enrolled *-*/*when applying- */in between the 4th
official year of studies and the penultimate year of PhD. (Should your
university offer only a 3-year course of studies, your students will not
be eligible. In this case, please disregard this e-mail).
/The programme lasts 8 months, from August 2024 to March 2025.
You will find *more information for your attention in the documents
listed below.
In compliance with our environmentally friendly policy, we are only
sending you this promotional information by e-mail (not by post). Please
forward it to your students.
/Please contact us if you wish to receive a promotional poster by post.
/We would be grateful if you could *promote this programme within your
Applications must be submitted online, *by 20 January 2024.*
To prepare their application, students must obtain some documents from
your university, including a certificate of enrolment (or equivalent
document) in English. We would be very grateful if you could support them.
Below, all the relevant links (shareable with your students) with
information on the programme and on the application process.
Should you require further details on this scheme, please do not
hesitate to contact us.
Thank you very much for your kind support, and for your interest in the
Vulcanus programme.
Margherita Rosada – Vulcanus Manager
For universities Tel: +32 (0)2 282 3715
For students: vulcinjapan(a)eu-japan.eu
*_Info on what is the Vulcanus Programme
_*Description (Vulcanus webpage)*
*Flyer with QR code
*Flyer in
*Statistics (visual)*
*Video testimonials in English from former participants:*
*_Info on the application process
_How to apply (& compulsory docs)*
*Frenquently asked questions*
>>> The organization of the Vulcanus Programme is pending reception of
a grant by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation for the
Japanese fiscal year 2024-2025: Please note that this call is subject to
the award and signature of the EU Grant Agreement and may therefore be
adjusted/cancelled if needed.<<<
//In order to avoid sending you unnecessary e-mails, via the following
link, you will either have the opportunity to unsubscribe or to choose
which type of information you would like to receive:
EU law protects personal data and gives you certain rights over how
organisations use your data. For details on how the EU-Japan Centre uses
the data it collects go to //_https://www.eu-japan.eu/privacy-policy_//.
That page will explain how the Centre obtains, uses and stores your data
with a view to keeping you informed about our publications, news and
events. If you have any questions about our privacy policy please email
This email is sent to: international(a)vutbr.cz
Privacy Policy Disclaimer click on:
If you wish to unsubscribe, please reply to this email putting REMOVE as
subject. Thank you.
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důležité termíny | 2023/11
Datum: Thu, 2 Nov 2023 10:06:35 +0000
Od: Akademická informační agentura <aia(a)dzs.cz>
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