V úterý 12. března pořádáme v Brně ve spolupráci s kanadskou školou ILAC
přednášku o studijních a pracovních možnostech v Kanadě.
Programy, o kterých se budeme bavit jsou vhodné pro absolventy
univerzit, kteří by chtěli na rok či dva vycestovat do světa a získat
cenné zkušenosti.
Přednáška se tedy koná v úterý 12. března od 17:30 v Café Práh. Vstup je
Zde je o přednášce veškeré info a registrace:
S přáním krásného dne
*Petr Horák, BA*
Managing Director
www.czenadians.cz <http://www.czenadians.cz/>
Zahranicni mailing list
*From:*Monika Pavlovic <Monika.Pavlovic(a)ju.se>
*Sent:* Wednesday, February 7, 2024 4:14 PM
*To:* Monika Pavlovic <Monika.Pavlovic(a)ju.se>
*Subject:* Jönköping University - Summer School 2024
A collage of a person and a moose Description automatically generatedA
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Dear EULIST Partner,
We are happy to announce that *School of Engineering, Jönköping
University* in Sweden will once again be offering our popular JU Summer
School for this upcoming summer. The summer course takes place from *3
June to 28 June, 2024.* The JU Summer School consists of a 10-credit
course, including visits to Swedish companies, as well as a social and
cultural package giving students the chance to see Jönköping and
experience the Swedish culture, including the infamous mid-summer. Your
students are welcome to apply, In general, individuals who are citizens
of countries outside of the European Union (EU), European Economic Area
(EEA) and Switzerland are required to pay application and tuition fees.
We are looking forward to share with your students more information
about our Summer School 2024 in the upcoming online session:
Date: Wednesday 6 March
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:pm GMT
Zoom Meeting Link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/62766170466
More information about the course and costs can be found here:
www.ju.se/summerschcool <http://www.ju.se/summerschcool>
We hope to welcome your students to Sweden for a wonderful summer
experience in the North!
Please feel free to forward this email to your students.
Warm regards,
Monika Pavlovic
International Relations Manager
International Office
*Jönköping University*
*Phone*+4636 101000
*Web*www.ju.se <http://www.ju.se/eng>
*E-mail*incoming.student(a)ju.se <mailto:incoming.student@ju.se>
P.O. Box 1026, 551 11 Jönköping, Sweden
Social media icons – YouTube-2jkbocn
EULiST European University Alliance
<http://www.eulist.university/>(European Universities Linking Society
and Technology)
Zahranicni mailing list
Dear students,
I would like to point out the deadline for enrollment to study at FIT
BUT, which is February 19. Please confirm if you are still interested in
coming and what the estimated date of your arrival is.
Kind regards,
Zahranicni mailing list